Learning is more powerful and dynamic with tools already in front of you – and it’s up to educators to impress this on students in the classroom.

With Microsoft OneNote, educators create digital notebooks that support academic standards and education outcomes across disciplines and tasks, such as writing, reading, mathematics, science, history, CTE, and elective courses. Students may use OneNote across content areas and grade levels, and use OneNote to compile and organize unstructured information, research, and content. OneNote also supports research, collaboration, information management, communication, note taking, journaling, reflective writing, and academic requirements.

Teachers and students develop the basic skills needed to use OneNote as a productivity tool for both themselves and their students. Time is devoted to assist a teacher in understanding how OneNote is used as a true collaborative tool. Educators create interactive lessons using the tools in OneNote, which immediately transfer to classroom practice. Finally, teachers experience and discover how Professional Learning Communities can be more productive when using OneNote to drive content delivery and creation.

At the end of the day, participants leave feeling comfortable and knowledgeable in the basic skills necessary to be up and running successfully using OneNote in the classroom, and as a professional tool.