GInI Authorized Growth Venture Assessor (AGVA)® is GInI’s recognition of individuals who have met GInI’s standard for being capable of undertaking GInI’s Innovation-Driven-Growth Readiness & Performance Assessment – so done for small and medium-sized business ventures seeking to attain accreditation with GInI as a GInI Certified Innovative Growth Venture – or CInGV®.

GInI duly authorizes AGVAs to undertake these assessments on behalf of GInI, and for the sake of these SME business ventures – in each case working with, and under the authority of, a GInI Authorized Training and Assessment Provider (ATAP) ® or a GInI Authorized University Provider (AUP) ®.

For reference, Certified Innovative Growth Venture (CInGV) is the only GInI accreditation assessment that AGVAs are authorized to perform on behalf of GInI; all other accreditation assessments must be performed by a GInI Authorized Innovation Assessor, or AInA. For more on AInA certification, refer to AInA Certification.

GInI AGVAs – together with GInI AInAs – are the only individuals authorized by GInI to undertake GInI’s Innovation-Driven-Growth Readiness & Performance Assessment. Business ventures seeking to attain CInGV accreditation with GInI must have this assessment conducted and submitted by an independent third-party AGVA or AInA in good standing with GInI. This allows GInI to enforce a standard of quality and excellence, by ensuring that all CInGV assessments are being conducted at the highest level of competence, objectivity, uniformity, and transparency.